About Us

About HexapenThemes:

About HexapenThemes
About HexapenThemes

Welcome to HexapenThemes . We are feeling glad because of you visit our website and you want to know details about us. Thank you for visiting us.

HexapenThemes is a Blog where, Blogger Template, WordPress Template, plugin, coding and blogging related instrument will be shared.

Hexapan themes is a product of Hexapen Bangladesh limited ( #Funny fact: Hexapen Bangladesh limited is not established yet . It will be launched very soon ) . By the way, it is a personal company so that  I am start it little bit short. 

About Me:

my name is Md Rahim Ali. I am belongs to Rajshahi. Now I am a student of intermediate class. I am connect with blogging since 2016 to 2022. I have  a average knowledge about blogging. I want to share my blogging experience with you . For the reason , I badly need a platform So that, I choose blogger as a platform.

Blog Name: HexapenThemes

Company Name: Hexapen Bangladesh Limited

Administrator: Md Rahim Ali

Company Type: Internet Technology and IT Farms

Location: Rajshahi , Bangladesh